Tutorial 1: Tayssir Touili
Homepage: https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~touili
Talk title: On static malware detection
The number of malware is growing extraordinarily fast. A malware may bring serious damage. Thus, it is crucial to have efficient up-to-date virus detectors.
A robust malware detection technique needs to check the behavior (not the syntax) of the program without executing it. We show in this talk how using behavior signatures allow to efficiently detect malwares in a completely static way. We applied our techniques to detect several malwares. Our tool was able to detect more than 800 malwares. Several of these malwares could not be detected by well-known anti-viruses such as Avira, Avast, Norton, Kaspersky and McAfee.
Tutorial 2: Romain Laborde
Homepage: https://www.irit.fr/~Romain.Laborde/index_en.php
Talk title: Security management … this concerns organizations as well as private individuals!
The widespread adoption of information technology within organizations and families’ homes has fundamentally changed human activities exacerbating the issues related to IT security. Whereas in the past, information systems were isolated inside the premises of the organizations and accessible to their employees only through well controlled devices, the current situation is significantly different. Organizations build consortiums quickly to answer to business opportunities and hence require agility to deploy shared resources in a controlled fashion. Today, IT services are virtualized and externalized. Employees work from their home or conversely they connect their own devices to their organizations’ IT systems. As promoted by M. Harkins, the mission of IT security teams in organizations that consisted in “Protect to minimize risk” has shifted to “Protect to enable” in order to allow organizations to grow in a secure way. At the same time, computers entered into people’s homes and today’s personal IT systems consist in complex networks of multiple connected devices. The life of rich countries individuals is also increasingly digitalized. Websites are progressively replacing traditional physical service desks in administrations and companies, imposing Internet-based transactions to users. Private individuals must protect themselves in such a complex digitalized environment without having the required security skills.
In this talk, I will overview the issues related to security management from the points of view of both organizations and private individuals. After describing a generic security management loop developed in our team, I will present our latest research results that deal with identity and access management for protecting organizations and private individuals.