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Tuesday October 16, 2018
- 09 h 00 – 09 h 15: Welcome
- 09 h 15 – 10 h 15: Invited Speaker: Dominique Mery (Univ. of Nancy)
- 10 h 15 – 10 h 45: Coffee break
- 10 h 45 – 12 h 15: Software Security
- An Empirical Study on the Comprehensibility of Graphical Security Risk Models Based on Sequence Diagrams
V. Volden-Freberg, G. Erdogan
- Are Third-Party Libraries Secure? A Software Library Checker for Java
F. P. Viertel, F. Kortum, L. Wagner, K. Schneider
- A prediction-based method for False Data Injection Attacks Detection in Industrial Control Systems
L. Bayou, D. Espes, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens
- Outsourcing Signatures of Confidential Documents
H. Chabanne, J. Keuffer, E. Prouff
- 12 h 30 – 14 h 00: Lunch
- 14 h 00 – 15 h 00: Tutorial: Tayssir Touili (LIPN, Univ. Paris 13)
- 15 h 00 – 15 h 30: Coffee break
- 15 h 30 – 17 h 00: Security in IoT
- Trust evaluation model for attack detection in Social Internet of Things
W. Abdelghani, C. Amel Zayani, I. Amous, F. Sedes
- A certificate-less key exchange protocol for IoT
M. Lobe Kome, F. Cuppens, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, V. Frey
- Personalized, Browser-based Visual Phishing Detection Based on Deep Learning
A. Bartoli, E. Medvet, A. De Lorenzo, F. Tarlao
- Privacy Preserving Data-Computation Offloading
S. Saharan, V. Laxmi, M. S. Gaur, A. Zemmari
- 19 h 00 – 21 h 00: Welcome Cocktail
Wednesday October 17, 2018
- 09 h 00 – 10 h 00: Invited speaker: Manoj Singh Gaur (IIT Jammu India)
- 10 h 00 – 10 h 30: Coffee break
- 10 h 30 – 12 h 00: Networks Security
- DSTC: DNS-based Strict TLS Configurations
E. Alashwali, P. Szalachowski
- Authenticated Quality of Service Aware Routing in Software Defined Networks
S. Aytac, O. Ermis, M. U. Caglayan, F. Alagoz
- On Consent in Online Social Networks: Privacy Impacts and Research Directions
S. Joyee De, A. Imine
- Enhancing Collaboration between Security Analysts in Security Operations Centers
D. Crémilleux, C. Bidan, F. Majorczyk, N. Prigent
- 12 h 15 – 14 h 00: Lunch
- 15 h 45 – 20 h 00: Social Event
- 20 h 00: Gala Dinner
Thursday October 18, 2018
- 09 h 00 – 10 h 00: Invited speaker: Olivier Grall (SGDNS/ANSSI)
- 10 h 00 – 10 h 30: Coffee break
- 10 h 30 – 11 h 20: Security of Physical Systems I
- RIICS: Risk based IICS segmentation Method
K. Es-Salhi, D. Espes, N. Cuppens
- Effectiveness and Impact measurements of a diversification based Moving Target Defense
M. Smine, N. Cuppens, F. Cuppens
- 11 h 20 – 12 h 20: Tutorial: Romain Laborde (IRIT, Toulouse)
- 12 h 25 – 13 h 45: Lunch
- 14 h 00 – 14 h 50: Security of Physical Systems II
- Practical security exploits of the FlexRay in-vehicle communication protocol
P.-S. Murvay, B. Groza
- Connection Dumping Vulnerability Affecting Bluetooth Availability
K. Lounis, M. Zulkernine
- 14 h 50 – 15 h 20: Coffee break
- 15 h 20 – 16 h 10: Privacy and Access Filtering
- A Systematic Method to Describe and Identify Security Threats Based on Functional Requirements
R. Wirtz, M. Heisel
- Optimal Distribution of Privacy Budget in Differential Privacy
A. Bkakria, A. Tasidou, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens, F. Ben Fredj, F. Bouattour
- 16 h 15 – 16 h 30: Conclusion and Fearewell